Why does htop or netstat not work on my device?

In order to stop leaking sensitive information by other channels, Android has blocked access to certain interfaces in /proc. It is used to keep your safety.
And few others.

Restrictions vary between Android OS versions. Thus Android 7 is less restrictive than 8/9/10+. You can use root to bypass them.

Why does ps not show Android processes?

This restriction has bad effect on some programs. For example, some processes like ssh-agent or tor daemons will no longer be visible through ps and as result can’t be terminated with pkill <NAME> or killall <NAME> but only with kill <PID>.

Why my Termux is 32bit while CPU supports 64bit?

Some time it has some issues with 32bit. But it works on 32 bit.

Can it be installed on the external storage?

Yes, it can be installed on external storage as well. It requires EXT4 or F2FS methods.

Any tips for using for this app?

Here are some things to learn about it before using.
Learn shell scripting!
Always do pkg upgrade!
Do backups, always!
Do not execute things which you don’t understand.
Read everything in the terminal carefully.

What do you use this app for?

This app is used for learning and execution of codes.

What are advantages of root in this app?

All tools in this app don’t require any root. But some of the tools requires root like cryptsetup, mount, nmap (advanced scan modes), tcpdump.

What is a fake root?

Fake root means accessing using false commands in the root.

Can I byepass a social media with Termux?

It is not recommended to byepass social media account with this app. It is not legal way to use this app.

Where are Metasploit and Hydra packages?

Some packages named Hashcat, Hydra, Metasploit and Sqlmap have been removed from Termux repositories.

Why app from F-Droid cannot be installed?

Open your Android settings –> Applications and check whether you have applications containing the word “Termux” in their name. If so, uninstall all of them Termux, Termux:API, Termux: Styling, Termux: Widget, Termux: Boot and others. And yes, paid add-dons should be uninstalled too.

Why its Latest Version is not available on Google Play store?

Its latest version is not available on Google Play store. It has to be updated via commands execution.

How can I keep my data when reinstalling Termux?

You need to archive contents of these directories:
You can use utility tar. Before uninstalling the app, ensure that archives are placed to safe location such as /sdcard.

How to open failsafe shell?

There are 2 variants how to do that:
1. Open drawer by swiping rightwards -> long tap on “new session” -> tap “failsafe”.
2. Close Termux app -> long tap on icon -> tap “failsafe”.

How can I access device storage with It?

You need to grant the storage permission of device. termux-setup-storage.

How can I hide the extra keys?

Tap key combination Volume Up + K.

Why text appears only after hitting space?

It is a keyboard known issues. Team is also working on fixing it. You can resolve it via commands. Commands are given below.
mkdir -p ~/.termux
echo “enforce-char-based-input = true” >> ~/.termux/termux.properties

How do I get help for a specific package?

Usually you can use next commands to get a brief usage of the utility:
packagename -h
packagename –help

More advanced information can be viewed by using a man tool. It can be installed by
pkg install man
Here is an example how to view information for utility ls:
man ls
Tips, when reading a man page:
Use q to quit
Use space for next page
/search for search
n for repeat search

Why does a compiled program show warnings?

To make this warning disappear you need to use utility “termux-elf-cleaner” binary file and probably on all its dependencies.
pkg install termux-elf-cleaner
termux-elf-cleaner ./myprogram
termux-elf-cleaner ./libmysharedlibrary.so

Can I use Termux packages in my own project?

Yes, as Termux is open-source and uses a GNU GPL v3.0 and in some components Apache-2.0 license, you can freely re-use existing components as soon as you met the license requirements.

How to run Termux commands from other application?

Termux provides optional interface for processing command execution requests made by third-party applications.

Can Termux run some commands automatically right after installation?

No, this feature has not been implemented.